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Harriet is a professional costume, prop and puppet maker based in the UK, she also works on set and backstage. She has been in the industry for 8 years and has worked on everything from regional theatre to Disney’s Aladdin and Netflix’s The Dark Crystal. She is currently moving into a new workshop to expand her costume and prop making business, this mostly consists of wondering why she owns so many sewing machines and shouting at the 3D printer.
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The Wardrobe Chronicles.
Resources. Community. Stories from the Industry.
And although pantomimes all follow roughly the same pattern they can be overwhelming, especially your first one. So here’s some hints and tips from someone that’s worked on pantomimes for nearly 10 years…
Not sure if you the job you’ve been offered is worth it?! Follow this handy flowchart….
When you go on your first TV or film job it can be very daunting and being sent a 4 page call sheet doesn’t always calm your nerves. I am going to talk you through an example call sheet and hopefully answer some of the questions you might have